ABAP Quick Reference
This is the first of two posts, providing a quick reference for ABAP developers. It primarily consists of code examples and doesn’t include major object oriented programming features, introduced in newer language versions.
The second part of this series, targeting OOP related topics, can be found here: ABAP Objects Quick Reference
ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a high-level programming language created by the German software company SAP SE. It is currently positioned, alongside Java, as the language for programming the SAP Application Server, which is part of the NetWeaver platform for building business applications.
Wikipedia ABAP article
Basic program structure
PARAMETERS pa_num TYPE i. * declare a variable DATA gv_output TYPE i. * assign value from pa_num to gv_output MOVE pa_num TO gv_output. WRITE: 'Input value', gv_output. NEW-LINE. " this is an inline comment WRITE 'Done'.
: Integer (4 bytes)F
: Floating point number (8 bytes)D
: Date JJJJMMTT (8 bytes)T
: Time HHMMSS (6 bytes)STRING
: String of dynamic lengthXSTRING
: Hexadecimal stringDECFLOAT16
: Decimal floating point (8 bytes)DECFLOAT34
: Decimal floating point (16 bytes)- The common data type “boolean” doesn’t exist in ABAP. Use a custom solution (e.g.
for true and(whitespace) for false)
Incomplete data types
: Character array of fixed lengthN
: Numerical character of fixed lengthX
: Hexadecimal byte array of fixed lengthP
: Packed number of fixed length (and optionally number of digits)
Type definition
TYPES gty_default_float TYPE p LENGTH 16 DECIMALS 2.
CONSTANTS gc_constvar TYPE type_name VALUE value.
Value assignments
MOVE pa_input TO gv_output. gv_output = pa_input. * increment ADD 1 TO pa_input. pa_input = pa_input + 1.
Arithmetic operators
integer divisionMOD
IF pa_input > 0. " code ELSEIF pa_input = 0. " code ELSE. " code ENDIF.
CASE pa_input. WHEN 0. " code WHEN -1. " code WHEN OTHERS. " code ENDCASE.
DO. " loop code IF <abort condition>. EDIT. ENDIF. ENDDO.
DO n TIMES. " loop code ENDDO.
WHILE <condition>. " loop code ENDWHILE.
SELECT <fields> FROM <table> WHERE <condition>. " select loop content iterates over the result table ENDSELECT.
LOOP AT <internal table>. " loop code ENDLOOP.
System fields
: login mandatorsy-uname
: user namesy-langu
: user languagesy-datum
: local date of the ABAP systemsy-uzeit
: local time of the ABAP systemsy-tcode
: current transaction codesy-repid
: name of the current ABAP programsy-index
: loop counter for DO and WHILE loops
Message boxes
* general MESSAGE tnnn(message_class) [ WITH v1 [ v2 ] [ v3 ] [ v4 ] ]. * info message example MESSAGE i005(general_messages).
: info messagew
: warninge
: errora
: exit programs
* subroutine call PERFORM calc_perc USING gv_inta gv_intb CHANGING gv_result. * subroutine defition FORM calc_perc USING pv_act TYPE i pv_max TYPE i CHANGING cv_pc TYPE f. cv_pc = pv_act * 100 / pv_max. ENDFORM.
Call function
CALL FUNCTION 'FUNCTION_NAME' EXPORTING iv_inta = pa_inta iv_intb = pa_intb IMPORTING ev_result = gv_result EXCEPTIONS division_by_zero = 1 OTHERS = 2. * exception handling of classical exceptions IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE 'Exception raised'. ELSE. " work with data ENDIF.
Define function (partly)
FUNCTION FUNCTION_NAME. " code IF iv_intb = 0. RAISE division_by_zero. " exception ELSE ev_result = 50. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION.
Exception handling
* classical exceptions CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 0. " no exception has been raised " process data WHEN 1. " exception with code 1 " ... ENDCASE. * class based exception handling TRY. " call method CATCH exception_name. " catch code ENDTRY.
Create objects
* create reference DATA reference_name TYPE REF TO class_name. * create object CREATE OBJECT reference_name.
Call methods
* call method via reference CALL METHOD reference_name->method_name. * call static method CALL METHOD class_name=>method_name.
Structure with local type
* define structure TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_s_structure, " components field_1 TYPE i, field_2 TYPE d, field_3 TYPE p LENGTH 4 DECIMALS 1, END OF gty_s_structure. * create structure DATA gs_name TYPE gty_s_structure. * access component gs_name-field1 = 5.
Copy from structure to structure
DATA: gs_a TYPE gty_s_abc, gs_b TYPE gty_s_xyz. * ... MOVE-CORRESPONDING gs_a TO gs_b.
Local tables
* declare with table type DATA gt_table TYPE table_type. * detailed declaration DATA gt_table TYPE < STANDARD / SORTED / HASHED > TABLE OF structure_type WITH < NON-UNIQUE / UNIQUE > KEY ... . * short form DATA gt_table TYPE TABLE OF structure_type. * create structure like table row DATA structure LIKE LINE OF table.
Manipulate tables
APPEND structure TO table. INSERT structure INTO table <condition>. READ TABLE table INTO structure <condition>. MODIFY TABLE table FROM structure [<condition>]. DELETE table <condition>. * condition example READ TABLE table INTO structure WHERE id = 17. SORT table [BY attribute < DESCENDING / ASCENDING >]. * reset content REFRESH table. CLEAR table. * free memory FREE table.
Get data
* select multiple rows (table to table) SELECT <fields> FROM <table> INTO <target_table> WHERE <condition>. * select into structure (table to structure) SELECT SINGLE <fields> FROM <table> INTO <target_structure> ... . * select into similar structure (table to similar structure) SELECT SINGLE <fields> FROM <table> INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF <target_structure> ... .
Permission check
AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT 'structure' ID 'attribute' FIELD variable. IF sy-subsrc = 0. " access ELSE " no permission ENDIF.