Timo Denk's Blog

MOV is Turing-Complete: 4-bit Adder Implementation

· Timo Denk

In late 2017, small groups of our class were given the task to delve into the assembly language and write a program for the 8051 microcontroller, as part of the Low-Level Programming lecture. This post documents the project MOV is Turing-Complete: 4-bit Adder Implementation — an assembly program that adds two 4-bit numbers relying solely on mov instructions. The appendix lists the minified version of the code.

Authors: Timo I. Denk, Samed Güner, Tobias Robl
Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ralph Lausen
Date of publication: 12. Dec 2017

1 Introduction

In general a variety of commands is used to write an assembly program. One can use a whole instruction set of microcontroller-specific functions. As part of the lecture Low-level programming, an assembly program capable of adding two integral numbers, will be developed; relying solely on the instructions MOV and MOVX.

The underlying microcontroller is an Intel 8051 out of the MCS-51 family, with originally 128 bytes of internal RAM and 64kB of program and data storage.
For ease of reducing setup overhead, the MCU 8051 IDE is used to simulate both the microcontroller and external hardware.

The instruction MOV operand1, operand2 copies the value of operand2 into operand1, with operand2 staying untouched. While operand2 can be a constant or an address, operand1 is the destination and has to be a memory address. Indirect addressing is accomplished using the prefix @ right before an address. That way, data is not stored at the given address but at the address which is stored by-value in the pre-fixed operand. The 8051 supports indirect addressing for the registers R0 and R1.

2 Concept

The concept of this project is based on the paper mov is Turing-complete, which was published in 2013 by Stephen Dolan at the University of Cambridge. He shows that the MOV instruction is Turing-complete.

A system of data manipulation rules such as the mov-command in the Intel 8051 is specified as Turing-complete, if it has the capability of simulating a Turing machine. The Turing machine was invented by Alan Turing in 1936 and represents one of the fundamental concepts in computer science. It is based on the conceptual experiment of Alan Turing to recreate the human thinking in numerical calculations.

A calculation in the Turning machine consists of step-by-step manipulations of symbols that are written to and read from a memory tape, according to certain rules. Chains of these symbols can be interpreted in different ways, for example as numbers. That way, a Turing machine can execute a function where the arguments (initially on the tape) are mapped to an output (sequence of symbols that are on the tape after processing by the Turing machine). A Turing machine is capable of reproducing any numerical calculations respectively all intuitively computable functions as the Church-Turing thesis manifests:

The class of Turing computable functions corresponds to the class of intuitively computable functions.

Equivalently, the Church-Turing thesis states that a computable function is computable iff it has an algorithm, so a human being can also compute it. This means all algorithms such as calculating the sum of two 4-bit integers, calculating prime numbers, or sorting a list, can be run on a Turing machine. Any other computational model, programming language, or mechanical device, with relatively enough time and resources, is capable of simulating a Turing machine and hence able to run any algorithm.

In his paper, Stephen Dolan shows the Turing-completeness of the MOV instruction. Stephen Dolan refers in his paper to branching as “the fundamental aspect of computing” and shows that the MOV-instruction can indeed be used to compare two registers.

One can compare two registers using only load and store instructions. Loading a value into address A and a different value into address B, then reading the content of the address A will show whether A and B are equal. Stephen Dolan shows how to compare two registers ($R_i$, $R_j$) as follows (where [R] denotes indirect addressing, i.e. writing/reading from the address that is stored in R):

MOV [R_i], 0
MOV [R_j], 1
MOV R_k, [R_i]

If $R_i = R_j$, $R_k$ is set to 1, otherwise it is 0. These three simple instructions represents the comparison-capability of the MOV-instruction in an elegant way.
Beside the ability to compare two registers, the MOV-instruction can be used to write band symbols onto the band, as required to simulate a Turing machine.

3 Software Implementation

Due to the lack of jump- and conditional-instructions, the entire program is a sequence of MOV and MOVX instructions, of which every single one will be executed. The last instruction is the inevitable exception to the MOV-only-constraint: It is a long jump back to the top (LJMP 0x09). It can, however, be seen as equivalent to MOV PC, #0x09 which sets the program counter register PC to the desired address.

The clutter of MOV instructions can be split into semantic parts. This section goes through each of these in detail and explains how it serves the objective of adding two 4-bit numbers and outputting the result. Table 1 lists the usage of the noteworthy registers.

R0Indirect addressing of external memory
R1Indirect addressing of external memory
R2Addition finished flag
R3Integral value $a\in [0,15]$ (non-immutable)
R4Integral value $b\in [0,15]$ (non-immutable)
R5Integral value $\min (a+b, 15)$, after addition is finished
P17-segment output, after addition is finished
Table 1: Usage of notable registers.

3.1 Initialization

The first four lines of code store the two terms of the sum in R3 and R4. Furthermore, R5 is reset to the constant #0x00. It will later, after the addition is finished, hold the sum of R3 and R4. Both, R3 and R4 will be changed during execution and wont hold their initial values.

Finally, the stack pointer SP is set to #0x2F because the general purpose section of the 8051’s RAM starts at #0x30. The stack pointer is not in use in the final, minified code version but was needed at earlier stages where subroutines were used for the purpose of simplification.

The initialization part consists of four MOV instructions.

3.2 Addition Finished Flag

After initialization, the program checks whether the value of R4 equals the constant #0x00. If true, addition is finished and the finished flag is set. That is, R2 is set to #0x01.

The finish flag is not necessarily needed, since comparing it to #0x01 is equivalent to checking R4 for inequality with #0x00. Nevertheless, it was introduced to make the check more convenient.

The addition finished part consists of seven MOV and three MOVX instructions.

3.3 Addition Result Storage

After the addition is finished, the sum of the two 4-bit numbers is stored in R5. This part of the program moves R3 to R5, if the addition finished flag in R2 is set. Otherwise, R5 is left at its initial value.

3.4 Addition Result Output

After the addition is finished, the result is shown on a 7-segment display attached to port 1. Numbers from 0 to 15 are shown in hexadecimal encoding, e.g. 10 is shown as an A. Whether or not addition is finished is determined by reading the addition finished flag in R2. If it is set, the 7-segment encoded version of the sum is being loaded and moved to P1. The former is achieved by filling the external memory temporarily with a translation table. For example, the address 0x00 stores #01000000B which corresponds to the 7-segment display code for 0. Subsequently, a look-up is performed with movx A, @R1, where R1 holds the sum. After running this instruction, A contains the code that corresponds to the value in R1, which is then used to update the output port (given that the addition finished flag is set).

The addition result output section consists of 42 MOV and 20 MOVX instructions. This gives 62 in total of which 48 serve the purpose of filling the 7-segment code look-up table.

3.5 Term of the Sum Increment

At each iteration, the first term of the sum — stored in R3 — is incremented by one, unless addition is finished. The increment works, similar to the 7-segment code, with a look-up table in the 8051’s external memory. It is filled from address 0x00 to 0x0F with the values that corresponds to the incremented address. That means 0x00 stores #0x01, 0x01 stores #0x02, and so on. Overflows are simply clipped, which means 0x0F = #0x0F.

The increment section consists of 42 MOV and 20 MOVX instructions. This gives 62 in total of which 48 serve the purpose of filling the increment look-up table.

3.6 Term of the Sum Decrement

Equivalent to the increment, the other part of the sum — stored in R4 — is decremented by one, unless the addition is finished. An underflow is not specially treated.

The decrement section consists of 42 MOV and 20 MOVX instructions. This gives 62 in total of which 48 serve the purpose of filling the decrement look-up table.

4 Conclusion

Following the theoretical work of Dolan (2013), we have shown that MOV is not only Turing-complete in theory, but also in practice. We have implemented a 4-bit adder, relying solely on MOV and MOVX instructions (with the exception of a single LJMP), on the popular Intel 8051 microcontroller. The 8051 is distinct from a normal Turing machine in several regards. Most notably, the memory is finite and split into segments of 8 bits. With bit-wise manipulation instructions such as setb (set bit) and clrb (clear bit) at hand, the undertaking would have been a lot easier.

The lack of jump instructions makes a MOV-only program extremely inefficient. At each iteration every single instruction of the program is executed, no matter whether its result is required or not. In our case, the conversion from 4-bit number to 7-segment display output is done prior to every single decrement, despite being needed only once. We did not see any chance of gaining performance by using a single instruction. Nevertheless, conducting empirical experiments on the usability of MOV-only programs is interesting and we can draw the conclusion that MOV is sufficient to solve simple tasks.


  1. Stephen Dolan. _MOV is Turing-complete. _Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 2013.

A Source Code

The following source code is the basis of this article. Relying solely on MOV instructions, it iteratively adds the values stored in R3 and R4, and writes the sum to R5. Furthermore, it shows the computed sum at a 7-segment display attached to P1.

0000 7B04   mov R3, #0x04  ; A
0002 7C03   mov R4, #0x03  ; B
0004 7D00   mov R5, #0x00  ; A + B
0006 75812F mov SP, #0x2F
0009 EA     mov A, R2
000A 7800   mov R0, #0x00
000C F2     movx @R0, A
000D EC     mov A, R4
000E F8     mov R0, A
000F 7401   mov A, #0x01
0011 F2     movx @R0, A
0012 7800   mov R0, #0x00
0014 E2     movx A, @R0
0015 FA     mov R2, A
0016 ED     mov A, R5
0017 7801   mov R0, #0x01
0019 F2     movx @R0, A
001A EA     mov A, R2
001B F8     mov R0, A
001C EB     mov A, R3
001D F2     movx @R0, A
001E 7801   mov R0, #0x01
0020 E2     movx A, @R0
0021 FD     mov R5, A
0022 ED     mov A, R5
0023 F9     mov R1, A
0024 7440   mov A, #01000000B
0026 7800   mov R0, #0x00
0028 F2     movx @R0, A
0029 7479   mov A, #01111001B
002B 7801   mov R0, #0x01
002D F2     movx @R0, A
002E 7424   mov A, #00100100B
0030 7802   mov R0, #0x02
0032 F2     movx @R0, A
0033 7430   mov A, #00110000B
0035 7803   mov R0, #0x03
0037 F2     movx @R0, A
0038 7419   mov A, #00011001B
003A 7804   mov R0, #0x04
003C F2     movx @R0, A
003D 7412   mov A, #00010010B
003F 7805   mov R0, #0x05
0041 F2     movx @R0, A
0042 7402   mov A, #00000010B
0044 7806   mov R0, #0x06
0046 F2     movx @R0, A
0047 7478   mov A, #01111000B
0049 7807   mov R0, #0x07
004B F2     movx @R0, A
004C 7400   mov A, #00000000B
004E 7808   mov R0, #0x08
0050 F2     movx @R0, A
0051 7410   mov A, #00010000B
0053 7809   mov R0, #0x09
0055 F2     movx @R0, A
0056 7408   mov A, #00001000B
0058 780A   mov R0, #0x0A
005A F2     movx @R0, A
005B 7403   mov A, #00000011B
005D 780B   mov R0, #0x0B
005F F2     movx @R0, A
0060 7446   mov A, #01000110B
0062 780C   mov R0, #0x0C
0064 F2     movx @R0, A
0065 7421   mov A, #00100001B
0067 780D   mov R0, #0x0D
0069 F2     movx @R0, A
006A 7406   mov A, #00000110B
006C 780E   mov R0, #0x0E
006E F2     movx @R0, A
006F 740E   mov A, #00001110B
0071 780F   mov R0, #0x0F
0073 F2     movx @R0, A
0074 E3     movx A, @R1
0075 FF     mov R7, A
0076 74FF   mov A, #0xFF
0078 7801   mov R0, #0x01
007A F2     movx @R0, A
007B EA     mov A, R2
007C F8     mov R0, A
007D EF     mov A, R7
007E F2     movx @R0, A
007F 7801   mov R0, #0x01
0081 E2     movx A, @R0
0082 F590   mov P1, A
0084 EB     mov A, R3
0085 F9     mov R1, A
0086 7800   mov R0, #0x00
0088 7401   mov A, #0x01
008A F2     movx @R0, A
008B 7801   mov R0, #0x01
008D 7402   mov A, #0x02
008F F2     movx @R0, A
0090 7802   mov R0, #0x02
0092 7403   mov A, #0x03
0094 F2     movx @R0, A
0095 7803   mov R0, #0x03
0097 7404   mov A, #0x04
0099 F2     movx @R0, A
009A 7804   mov R0, #0x04
009C 7405   mov A, #0x05
009E F2     movx @R0, A
009F 7805   mov R0, #0x05
00A1 7406   mov A, #0x06
00A3 F2     movx @R0, A
00A4 7806   mov R0, #0x06
00A6 7407   mov A, #0x07
00A8 F2     movx @R0, A
00A9 7807   mov R0, #0x07
00AB 7408   mov A, #0x08
00AD F2     movx @R0, A
00AE 7808   mov R0, #0x08
00B0 7409   mov A, #0x09
00B2 F2     movx @R0, A
00B3 7809   mov R0, #0x09
00B5 740A   mov A, #0x0A
00B7 F2     movx @R0, A
00B8 780A   mov R0, #0x0A
00BA 740B   mov A, #0x0B
00BC F2     movx @R0, A
00BD 780B   mov R0, #0x0B
00BF 740C   mov A, #0x0C
00C1 F2     movx @R0, A
00C2 780C   mov R0, #0x0C
00C4 740D   mov A, #0x0D
00C6 F2     movx @R0, A
00C7 780D   mov R0, #0x0D
00C9 740E   mov A, #0x0E
00CB F2     movx @R0, A
00CC 780E   mov R0, #0x0E
00CE 740F   mov A, #0x0F
00D0 F2     movx @R0, A
00D1 E3     movx A, @R1
00D2 FF     mov R7, A
00D3 EF     mov A, R7
00D4 7800   mov R0, #0x00
00D6 F2     movx @R0, A
00D7 EC     mov A, R4
00D8 F8     mov R0, A
00D9 EB     mov A, R3
00DA F2     movx @R0, A
00DB 7800   mov R0, #0x00
00DD E2     movx A, @R0
00DE FB     mov R3, A
00DF EC     mov A, R4
00E0 F9     mov R1, A
00E1 7800   mov R0, #0x00
00E3 7400   mov A, #0x00
00E5 F2     movx @R0, A
00E6 7801   mov R0, #0x01
00E8 7400   mov A, #0x00
00EA F2     movx @R0, A
00EB 7802   mov R0, #0x02
00ED 7401   mov A, #0x01
00EF F2     movx @R0, A
00F0 7803   mov R0, #0x03
00F2 7402   mov A, #0x02
00F4 F2     movx @R0, A
00F5 7804   mov R0, #0x04
00F7 7403   mov A, #0x03
00F9 F2     movx @R0, A
00FA 7805   mov R0, #0x05
00FC 7404   mov A, #0x04
00FE F2     movx @R0, A
00FF 7806   mov R0, #0x06
0101 7405   mov A, #0x05
0103 F2     movx @R0, A
0104 7807   mov R0, #0x07
0106 7406   mov A, #0x06
0108 F2     movx @R0, A
0109 7808   mov R0, #0x08
010B 7407   mov A, #0x07
010D F2     movx @R0, A
010E 7809   mov R0, #0x09
0110 7408   mov A, #0x08
0112 F2     movx @R0, A
0113 780A   mov R0, #0x0A
0115 7409   mov A, #0x09
0117 F2     movx @R0, A
0118 780B   mov R0, #0x0B
011A 740A   mov A, #0x0A
011C F2     movx @R0, A
011D 780C   mov R0, #0x0C
011F 740B   mov A, #0x0B
0121 F2     movx @R0, A
0122 780D   mov R0, #0x0D
0124 740C   mov A, #0x0C
0126 F2     movx @R0, A
0127 780E   mov R0, #0x0E
0129 740D   mov A, #0x0D
012B F2     movx @R0, A
012C 780F   mov R0, #0x0F
012E 740E   mov A, #0x0E
0130 F2     movx @R0, A
0131 E3     movx A, @R1
0132 FF     mov R7, A
0133 EF     mov A, R7
0134 7800   mov R0, #0x00
0136 F2     movx @R0, A
0137 EC     mov A, R4
0138 F8     mov R0, A
0139 F2     movx @R0, A
013A 7800   mov R0, #0x00
013C E2     movx A, @R0
013D FC     mov R4, A
013E 020009 ljmp 0x09  ; mov PC, #0x09