Timo Denk's Blog

Typing Speed, Point Set Creator, and Poker Hands

· Timo Denk

This post summarises what I’ve been coding during the last week. That’s two new web tools for my Online-Tools webpage called Typing Speed and Point Set Creator, and in addition to that a mobile-first Poker Hands website.

Typing Speed

This web tool lets you determine how quickly you can type a character sequence of your choice. This could be for instance your name, email address, password (don’t worry, it won’t be transferred for further analysis), or just something like “hello there”, “hi”, or “abcdefg”. The fact that you can choose what you type distinguishes this page from many other typing game sites that are available.

Note that the tool counts keystrokes not correctly written characters. So you want to make sure you type things correctly. The tool can be found at tools.timodenk.com/typing-speed. The corresponding commit on GitHub: Simsso/Online-Tools

Type something in the input field, to see how fast you are.

Type something in the input field, to see how fast you are.

Point Set Creator

The second tool was created because I needed a set of data points to test clustering algorithms. It basically allows the user to click on a canvas in order to add a new point, to eventually get a list of all points in a usable format. This is especially helpful when a bulk of data points is needed in a roughly predefined shape.

The web-tool can be found at tools.timodenk.com/point-set-creator. And the source code: Simsso/Online-Tools

Click on the light blue canvas, to add new points.

Click on the light blue canvas, to add new points.
I needed to tool because I wanted to compare the behaviour of the two clustering algorithms DBSCAN and k-means.
This is how that data could be used: Comparison of the clustering algorithms DBSCAN and k-means.

Poker Hands

The screenshot tells it pretty much: The mobile-first website lists all Texas hold’em poker hands with an example and is meant to be used by players who are not familiar with hands or ranks. Here is the URL: timodenk.com/poker-hands/

Tapping onto the top-bar toggles between compact and normal view (shown in the screenshot).

Tapping onto the top-bar toggles between compact and normal view.